The Cutting Edge of our Country's Sword!

When our Nation needs a tough job done, they call the Army; When the Army needs a tough job done, they call the Sappers!
- LTG (R) Robert B. Flowers

The Essayons Scholarship's are a memorial to selfless service and contributions made to our country by Sapper Association members and their families; awards are presented in their honor. The scholarships provide an opportunity for financial assistance for qualified dependents seeking higher education. The Scholarship Committee seeks to award scholarships for four applicants with the highest moral and ethical character, embodying Sappers. Each year the Association Scholarship Committee will evaluate the scholarship applicants and select four of the most outstanding submissions to be awarded Scholarships. The LTG Robert B. Flowers (Regimental) and Father and Son, CSM (R) Ioakimo and PV2 Jonathan I. Falaniko (Sapper) scholarships entail the Essayons Scholarship Program.
"Let Us Try"!